Thursday, January 17, 2008

Site Under Construction

Hello! For all 2 of you that actually keep on on our blog, we apologize for our shameful neglect! The last month and a half has been a whirlwind with holidays, birthdays, and a wonderfully welcomed vacation/Young Life Staff conference in Florida. Marshall is still away at Area Director school and Tuck and I are anxiously awaiting his return home. In the mean time, we are making the most of it doing laundry, going on walks with the fabulous Bob stroller, and throwing Greek themed birthday parties (my sister in law, Lisa, turned 30 and requested souvlaki for her family dinner.) Here is a sweet photo of Tucker at our dear Whit and Steph's home in Florida to hold you over until we get our act in gear and post a big update from the last month. Love to all and Happy New Year!